Sunny Tadjudin's Application Unnecessary Oppressive and Unreasonable - Says Hong Kong Deputy High Court Judge Mimmie Chan - [2011] HKCFI 1874 - HCA 322/2008 - SUNNY TADJUDIN v. BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION

Sunny Tadjudin's Application Unnecessary Oppressive and Unreasonable - Says Hong Kong Deputy High Court Judge Mimmie Chan - [2011] HKCFI 1874 - HCA 322/2008 - SUNNY TADJUDIN v. BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION


112. Although the subject applications contain a total of 40 requests for discovery and 63 requests for particulars, I have only made orders for 10 items for discovery and 5 items for particulars. The requests for particulars are mostly for evidence, or amount to interrogatories for information. The majority of the requests for discovery and particulars have been found to be unnecessary either for disposing fairly of the cause or matter or for saving costs. But for the last minute amendments made in the course of the hearing to confine the discovery exercise to “policy” or “methodology” documents, or documents which directly contain the information sought, nearly all the requests would have been disallowed due to the unnecessarily wide range of the documents sought. For these reasons, I consider that the whole exercise of the applications for discovery and particulars has been unnecessary, oppressive and unreasonable.


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