Barrister Kerby Lau of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) “unhelpful”, says [2018] HKCA 403 (Cheung, Yuen and Kwan JJA)

Barrister Kerby Lau of Des Voeux Chambers (DVC) “unhelpful”, says [2018] HKCA 403 (Cheung, Yuen and Kwan JJA)

8.  The defendant’s counsel cited a total of 38 cases in this application.  As stated in Practice Direction 2.1 §3(e), the skeleton submissions “should direct at helping the Court to determine whether grounds have been made out for the appeal to be heard by the Court of Final Appeal”.  It is unhelpful to load the submissions with copious authorities making more or less the same point in a number of instances.

Written submissions by Barristers Mr Chua Guan Hock SC and Mr Kerby Lau, instructed by K B Chau & Co Solicitors, for the Defendant (Applicant)


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