
Showing posts from May, 2021

Wasted Costs Order Against Hong Kong Barrister James H M McGowan of Admiralty Chambers - HKSAR v Apelete [2019] 5 HKLRD 574 [2019] HKCA 1189

Wasted Costs Order Against Hong Kong Barrister James H M McGowan of Admiralty Chambers - HKSAR v Apelete [2019] 5 HKLRD 574 [2019] HKCA 1189 36. Before us, Mr McGowan candidly admitted that his actions (or lack thereof) were such as to bring him within the meaning of s.18 of the CCCO. In particular, he accepted that on his part there had been undue delay as well as a repeated failure to comply with the Court's directions, which amounted to serious professional misconduct. 47.  Whatever the position may have been in respect of funding, the applicant was legally aided as from 17 August 2018. There can be no excuse for either Mr Mohnani or Mr McGowan failing to comply with the Court's directions thereafter and no conceivable justification for allowing 7 month

Liang Jing (梁京) Ordered To Pay Exemplary Damages for His Outrageous Conduct in Chow Wing Kai (周榮佳) v Liang Jing (梁京) [2021] HKDC 609

Liang Jing (梁京) Ordered To Pay Exemplary Damages for His Outrageous Conduct in Chow Wing Kai (周榮佳) v Liang Jing (梁京) [2021] HKDC 609 Date of Judgment: 21 May 2021

Chung & Kwan Solicitors Got the Law Completely Wrong

Hong Kong Law Firm Chung & Kwan Solicitors Got the Law Completely Wrong [2021] HKLdT 37 - LDBM 56/2020 - doc/judg/word/vetted/other/en/ 2020/LDBM000056_2020.doc //On 11 May 2020 the respondent’s then solicitors, Messrs Chung & Kwan, gave a reply letter and refused to convene such a meeting on the ground, inter alia, that convening such meeting is not an exemption under the Regulation as the IO is not a statutory body.  The same contention was repeated in paragraph 8(d) of the respondent’s Notice of Opposition filed on 22 July 2020... ... the Secretary for Food and Health has clarified and confirmed that the requested meeting would be an exempted group gathering under Schedule 1 of the Regulation, and in particular paragraph 11(a) of Schedule 1 of the Regulation is applicable to the requested meeting as contended by the applicant. ... It is clear that paragraph 11(a) of Schedule 1 would be able to give an exemption for the respondent to convene th

Hong Kong Barrister Martin Lee SC (李柱銘資深大律師) A Convicted Criminal, Says Judge Woodcock in DCCC 536/2020 [2021] HKDC 398

Hong Kong Barrister Martin Lee SC (李柱銘資深大律師) committed the crimes of  [1] Organizing an unauthorized assembly; and [2] Knowingly taking part in an unauthorized assembly , and was thereafter on 1 April 2021 duly convicted as a criminal by  Her Honour Judge Woodcock in DCCC 536/2020 [2021] HKDC 398.  His  disgusting criminal activity and subsequent conviction had been widely reported in the press.  He had therefore by his own disgusting criminal activity brought the Bar into disrepute. https://legalref. frame.jsp?DIS=134671&currpage= T news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/ article/3127881/hong-kong- protests-jimmy-lai-and-six-ex- lawmakers

Haldanes Solicitors Used Wrong Procedure To Add a Defamation Counterclaim to a Defence, And Should Pay Indemnity Costs to Its Opponent, Says Judge Queeny Au-Yeung in HCA 492/2020 [2021] HKCFI 1040

Haldanes Solicitors Used Wrong Procedure To Add a Defamation Counterclaim to a Defence, And Should Pay Indemnity Costs to Its Opponent, Says Judge Queeny Au-Yeung in HCA 492/2020 [2021] HKCFI 1040 - DEEPAK PAGARANI AND HIRO BHARWANI v. HALDANES SOLICITORS & NOTARIES (A FIRM)  Ms Jezamine Fewins, of Stephenson Harwood, for the plaintiffs Mr Barry Barlow, SC, instructed by Reynolds Porter Chamberlain, for the defendant